DNC 2020 “EU-U.S. Relations in a Post-Pandemic World” – Virtual Panel Discussion

Vok Dams
© Global Virtual Solutions, Jüri Kartul
© Global Virtual Solutions, Jüri Kartul
© Global Virtual Solutions, Jüri Kartul
Published in the
Event Design Yearbook 2021/2022
Book cover


Prior to the US elections 2020, the European Union delegation in the USA (EUDEL) intended to communicate to their US colleagues how important the mutual relationship is. This was to be achieved through themed events that illuminated the most important political priorities of the EU and the role of cooperation between the EU and the USA. The series of events comprised virtual podium discussions during the National Congress of the Democrats and Republicans. They were created in cooperation with the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the International Republican Institute (IRI). The aim of the events was to improve the perception and understanding of the EU as a global actor and partner in the USA.

The target public of the event were the main protagonists of the congresses: selected representatives of the USA, including members of the US Congress, employees of the Congress, officials of the Democratic and Republican Parties, as well as US political experts, leading economists, media and diplomatic representatives. The press was also able to take part in all events. As none of the speakers were physically present in the studio, VOK DAMS reconstructed a physical space as an empty screen. The resulting “contactless round table” concept forged unconventional visual impressions - both for the live public and for the purposes after the event.


Vok Dams
European Union Delegation to the U.S. (EUDEL)
Germany, USA
Dramaturgy / Direction / Coordination
Vok Dams North America, Royal Experience Estonia
Architecture / Design
Global Virtual Solutions


Politics & Society
Digital, Interactive, Networking, Pandemic, Scenography, Talks
Conference, Public Relations Event, Virtual Experience