“Digital Summit 2023”: Interactive, Sustainable Theme Format

Facts and fiction
© Michael Reitz, Thomas Rafalzyk
© Michael Reitz, Thomas Rafalzyk
© Michael Reitz, Thomas Rafalzyk
© Michael Reitz, Thomas Rafalzyk
© Michael Reitz, Thomas Rafalzyk
Published in the
Experience & Event Design 2024/2025
Book cover


The key topic of the Digital Summit 2023 was guided by the motto “Digital Transformation Over the Eras”. The event commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Economy and Climate Protection (BMWK) addressed challenges in this field, promoted dialogue and presented possible solutions for strengthening Germany in the transformation process.

Apart from renowned guests such as the federal ministers Habeck, Wissing, Heil and Lemke, as well as the Minister of State Roth, the event handled by facts and fiction provided a relevant and varied programme and a wide range of participation formats – including talks, fishbowls and speed geeking. A tour of exhibits presented innovative technologies and projects on the topic of digitisation in Germany.

One of the highlights was the rendering of the key visual element as an exceptional three-dimensional stage setting, which at the same time met content requirements. The individual parts of the visual served as projection surfaces and created a dynamic overall scene. Speakers and video content were integrated innovatively into the design. The brightest available projector with 50,000 ANSI lumens was used. Sign language interpreters were integrated live into the stage setting via green screen. Together with the arch of the Jugendstil building, the polygonal ensemble formed a harmonious and captivating setting.

The planning, implementation and documentation in accordance with the guidelines for sustainable events were a considerable organisational aspect. Specific measures included seasonal, regional and vegetarian catering, applying reusable materials for the stage set, e-shuttles, a restriction of the room temperature to 20 degrees, as well as an analysis for future optimisations.


Facts and fiction
Federal Ministry of Economy and Climate Protection
Dramaturgy / Direction / Coordination / Architecture / Design / Graphics
Facts and fiction
Henning Schletter Imaginary Lights
Deko-Service Lenzen


Politics & Society
Rented Location, Theater/Concert Hall
B2B, Clever, Interactive, Learning, Networking, Scenography, Social Issues, Sustainability, Technology, VIP
Conference, Convention