“Das Totale Tanz Theater”
"Das Totale Tanz Theater" is a virtual reality installation on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Bauhaus.
The VR installation deals with the relationship between man and machine in the digital age. Who is the human being in the technological age? What role does he and the machines surrounding him play? Questions that Oskar Schlemmer and Walter Gropius asked themselves 100 years ago. Inspired by the stage experiments of the time, an interdisciplinary team under the leadership of the Interactive Media Foundation tackled these questions in the context of current technologies and developments.
The result is an immediate experience shaped by the interplay of different arts and state-of-the-art digital technology, as well as by man and machine. Via VR glasses, visitors immerse themselves in a huge, virtual stage space and experience a dance-like choreography on three levels with a dance machine activated by them. In doing so, it accompanies the question of its real influence on space and machine.
The choreography of Richard Siegal was first danced by humans and digitized via body scanning and motion capture methods. The 2,500 individual movements were reassembled and arranged again and again using algorithms. Scenography, costumes and technical implementation are by Artifical Rome. The accompanying electronic music was developed by the composer Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch.
(Editiorial text. Please contact us for change requests.)