“Mensch + Maschine”: Interactive Exhibition

Tamschick Media + Space
© Leonardo Ramirez
© Leonardo Ramirez
© Leonardo Ramirez
© Leonardo Ramirez
© Leonardo Ramirez
Published in the
Experience & Event Design 2024/2025
Book cover


The temporary showroom “Mensch + Maschine” was based on an interactive and modular concept as the first exhibition for the Haus of Digitalisierung in Tulln. Through an intriguing interplay of various forms of media, the exhibition is designed to make the topic of digitalisation an accessible experience for a wide public. How do people use machines to optimise their lives and themselves? How has our relationship with machines changed? And will machines soon take over from people? The aim is for visitors to be fascinated, enthused and enlightened.

Five exhibitions stations tackled various topics thoughout the 300-square-metre space. In an introductory module, visitors were able to browse images and short film sequences of the history of man-machine-communication. The second exhibition module was conceived as an object-based timeline starting from the “digital revolution”. The focal point of the third module was the machine that has become invisible – artificial intelligence. Using a white city model, visitors could discover by means of tablets how widespread AI already is.

The fourth module extended this aspect and presented digital innovations from Austria. To find out more, visitors put symbolic objects set into glass containers on one of the four docking stations. A world map placed innovations in the fields of health, society, economy and research in a wider context. The fifth station was a sculpturally designed bench that invited visitors to pause and think. One could listen to various voices discussing the opportunities and risks of digitalisation. As a playful conclusion, visitors were able to interact with their digital twin in the last module. A main show summarised the theme of the exhibition on a 360-degree LED wall.


Tamschick Media + Space
Fachhochschul Immobiliengesellschaft
Tamschick Media+Space, Charlotte Tamschick / Camila Bernal Samper / Cornelia Vossen
Direction / Coordination
Tamschick Media+Space, Carsten Schildwächter
Architecture / Design
Tamschick Media+Space, Charlotte Tamschick
Tamschick Media+Space, Nikolai Gamasin
Weißpunkt und Purpur, Christian Spork
Media / Films / Music
Tamschick Media+Space (Concept, Design supervision), Bildwerk Media OG + Media Apparat (Production)
Kraftwerk Living Technologies (AV media integration)


Education, Public Sector & NGO
360°, Digital, Future, Innovation, Interactive, Learning, Scenography, Science, Social Issues, Technology, Transformation
Exhibition, Multimedia Installation, Public Experience