Play: “The Parallel World”
"The Parallel World" tells the story of a human being. It's about strong emotions and basic questions that condense into a dramatic moment of life: birth, childhood, first love, marriage, separation, old age, death. The piece is performed by the Berliner Ensemble and the Schauspiel Dortmund - in Berlin and in Dortmund. Not one after the other, but simultaneously and together.
This exciting simultaneous performance takes place in two theaters, on two stages, with two auditoria in two cities. The seven-member drama ensembles play together at the same time. Thanks to a fiber-optic Internet connection, they are connected in real time, can play in parallel and interact with each other.
The audience sees the drama as a "real" performance on stage and as a live broadcast from the other city on a screen above. The stories do not run parallel, but in opposite directions. While the story begins in Berlin with Fred's birth, Dortmund starts with his death. In the middle of life, both storylines meet, a crack in space-time opens up and confuses everything.
An exciting concept and play by Alexander Kerlin, Eva Verena Müller and Kay Voges.
(Editiorial text and project. Please contact us for change requests.)