Unhashtag Vienna: See Klimt. Not #Klimt
In the hunt for the perfectly staged Instagram holiday photo, we forgot the essentials: to enjoy the actual moment. An up-to-date topic and widespread problem that the City of Vienna, together with the Belvedere Museum, used as an opportunity to initiate a provocative tourism marketing campaign.
Tourist magnets such as the City of Vienna and the local Belvedere Museum know this phenomenon only too well. More than 1.4 million people flockĀ the museum each year to see Klimt's famous "kiss". But instead of enjoying the work, many vacationers try to shoot the perfect Instagram photo. The campaign "Unhashtag Vienna" should encourage more conscious use of social media in this context. These included various advertisements and posters, a landing page and a promotion in the Belvedere Museum.
Gustav Klimt's masterpiece "The Kiss" was replicated and covered with a huge red hashtag. Of course, the painting was therefore difficult to see. A lot of visitors were dismayed. An information board explained the background, called for a more conscious experience and calmed the surprised museum visitors. The original work could be admired in the next room - without any hashtag.
This thematically very targeted and on relevant content-oriented tourism marketing campaign hit a nerve, not only drew attention to the destination Vienna, but also triggered a discussion in various media.
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