“Urban Sun” – Installation, that cleans Public Spaces of the Coronavirus
This world-first installation called "Urban Sun" claims to cleanse public spaces of corona viruses. Inspired by the light of the sun and based on scientific research, it is said to kill up to 99.9% of viruses.
Studies by Columbia University and Hiroshima University show that specific ultraviolet light (far-UVC) with a wavelength of 222nm can reduce the viral load, including various strains of the coronavirus and influenza, by up to 99.9%. At the same time, this specific light is said to be safe and harmless to humans and animals.
The installation is not only intended to be a symbol of hope, but to serve as an additional "protective layer" to existing measures. The wide-area irradiation of public spaces could reduce the viral load and improve the possibilities of gatherings as well as events.
(Editiorial text and project. Please contact us for change requests.)